
1 year ago today, I worked my last day at my full-time job. I was terrified.


19 years ago, I graduated from university and started my first full-time job. I had no idea what I was doing and I was amazed that my company paid me to show up every day.

17 years ago, I loved my job. I loved going to the office, I loved coming home to my apartment, I loved my life.

12 years ago, I hated my new boss. I was fed up with my career. I needed a change.

11 years ago, I wanted to change my career but I settled for changing my job because it was easier.

10 years ago, I had so much anxiety about going to work that I wanted the plane to crash. I wanted to jump out the window.

8 years ago, we paid off our condo. I thought I was free. Little did I know, I would become addicted to my lifestyle.

5 years ago, I was trying to make it work. I tried to devise strategies to change my mindset. To make me love my job. I began experimenting with coping mechanisms. Shopping. Eating. Drinking. Travelling.

2 years ago, I was at my breaking point. I felt stuck in a job I hated with people I despised. It was only a few people, but it was enough to make me dread going to the office. It was enough to make me hate myself, everyone around me, and life itself.



I am so grateful for my life.

I feel incredibly happy.

There is still a little fear and uncertainty but it diminishes with each day.

My ego is dissolving and I'm learning to be myself again.

To love myself.

To love others.

To look at the world with compassion, wonder, and appreciation.

I still have a lot of work to do but the future is bright.

I have time to live in the present moment and also do everything I want to do.